Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Is Internet invading all in France...

Ok, so the title is kind of lame for one of my first rants on this blog. Its all about how much the Internet is becoming a daily tool for every tom, dick & harry here in France.

This all started when we went to purchase a new stove top for the kitchen. The unit was purchased from the biggest home appliance chain :- Darty. This is a store that has in the last couple of years complete adopted the Internet as an extension/tool for their physical commercial presence and IMHO are doing it quite successfully. Their site not only provides online purchasing but also can tell you in which store near your location has the item you are interested in. They have even become one of the newest kids on the bloc for providing triple-play DSL services. More recently they have moved to provide a customer interface.

During the purchase, the sales rep gave us an Internet account pamphlet. The card inside the pamphlet provides you with a client account number and a temporary password (which you then need to change). The card basically ties your purchasing and support information to a web profile that you create. Giving you the facility to track your purchasing history, on-going deliveries and customer care issues.