Recently, I came across his handle on Twitter and have been following him since.
Today he posted on his blog at some interesting thoughts on what the future of Twitter might be! The article itself presents some of Dave's ideas such as:
- A world-wide command line
- Twitter OpenSource Clones
- External connectors
A more integrated location attachment to the Twitter (beyond TwitterVision), the idea being that when you are Twitting while moving around, a mobility tag automatically gets added somehow. This could be achieved through GPS location tools on PDAs or GSM/Cell Tower location detection.In that same respect and as a follow through:
Maybe a close integration with Twitter and mobile displays or electronic displays to be able to display twitters based on the location where you are. That is to say and for example, when you walk into a certain area you get notified of other twitters in the area and what they are up-to.
So that's may basic thoughts on what may be some evolutions for Twitter...